The Bible is the Word of God: Inspired . Inerrant . Infallible
Spirit Lead multidimensional Teaching & Application in the Word of God.
Provide Resources for Godly living in every aspect of the Christian life.
Penetrate the mountains of influence with the Knowledge of God, Righteous morals, and Integrity of those Born Again.
Training and Mentorship of Biblical teachers in their respective influence to Mature and Edify the Body of Christ.

I am on a passionate journey in Jesus Christ to ignite and impact Holy Worship and Holy Living through the One Language of God beyond denominations for those He calls His Beloved! It is the Father's Heart that His children are Born, Grow, and Produce the destination of His Son, Jesus Christ! It is in the Truth of Jesus Christ that we are given a God Kind of Life through the Hearing of His Word, The Bible!
UTTTMR is Committed to God's will that all will come into the unity of one faith, mature through the understanding of God's Word, and walk according to the Leading of the Holy Spirit anticipating the eternity of our lives in Jesus Christ as the Body of Christ and the executors of the Kingdom of God! Join me in this Intentional Journey in Jesus Christ!
Equipping Christians to …

Be Transformed, not Conformed!
Be Transformed, not Conformed!
What is unique about a Teaching Devotional?
A Teaching Devotional leads you through Biblical reflections that strategically guide your thoughts and understanding of God and His great plan of Life in Jesus Christ!
Teaching Devotionals systematically leads, guides, and points each reader through interactive foundational learning into the daily application of God's Word, so that each one may mature in Jesus Christ and fulfill the purposes of God within you. You don't just read a book, you experience The active living Word of God